Disclaimer: I am blogging while holdimg babies so any typos are from little toes, and me attempting to type one handed.
We went to Houston for Christmas and were able to see so much family it was awesome! Allen's came down from Rexburg to stay with the Christmans while we stayed with the Childs and we all partied and went on adventures. Besides being sick, I think my kids did really well on the nine hour drive, and with all the traveling and stimulation, and not sleeping at night.
Strong uncle Nathan did a push up with a few of his favorite little people.
Miriam usually takes a while to get used to the bath, but this one in Grammie's sink hit the spot right away.
Crazy family Christmas picture
Happy anniversary at the Potato Patch Mom and Dad!! Thanks for all of this.
Santa came Christmas eve and gave all the kids a candy cane. For a second I felt like I should be getting one, not handing one to my own kid. But, the half smiling half terrified look on his face was much more rewarding than a candy cane.
I got to Skype with Riley! We all did, and his companion who is awesome, they both sang a Christmas song and it was really good to see his face and hear his voice. I haven't realized how much I miss calling him up or having him call me just to chat.
We saw some pretty crazy Christmas lights, some were classy and some were trashy (haha) but I loved it all and am glad Asher was semi patient with the drive and that Miriam slept the whole time.
Nathan and I were able to go to Handle's Messiah with the Houston Symphony with Phil, Maren and Mom and Dad Childs. It was much more enjoyable this time, two years ago I was sick and pregnant and just wanted it to end. This time I actually understood it, and very much enjoyed the talent of the symphony. And sneaking/sharing chocolate with Maren and her wonderfully sized purse.
One item on my dad's bucket list since he was a kid was to go to NASA. Weirdly, none of us knew this, and he didn't realize until this Christmas how close it was to where we were spending Christmas SO, obviously, we had to go. Lucky for us a really nice guy in Jill and Jason's ward works there and gave us a ground tour that was cool. I got to shake a robot's hand! And he let us go inside a rover! Sadly, Asher had to go to the emergency room the night before and had croup. Ended up with a steroid shot, being on the breathing machine, meds for an ear infection, poor kid. So Nathan stayed back with him and let me go with Miriam since I had never been. Worth it. Even if I had been kind of a grump being worried about my kids and missing my hubby (sorry family).
Galveston is so much fun, even when its freezing.
Strong man
Love this lady.
One request I had for this trip was to get professional family pictures from my talented brothers, Jason and Brian. They, along with everyone else, were awesome for dealing with crying kids on a cold beach. Asher was more crying because he wanted to get in the water and play in the sand than because it was cold.
These are just a couple of my favorites. They all turned out so great!
Miriam was blessed!
Every Christmas gets better, and it becomes easier for me to remember the reason for the season. I have a testimony of Christ, his miraculous birth, life, death and resurrection.
Miriam was blessed!
Both Miriam and Asher have been incredibly lucky to have most of their families present when blessed. It is humbling to see the love these wonderful people have for my children and the strength of the priesthood that is so readily available.
I could not have chosen or been blessed with better family and friends.
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