Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tis the Season

Life here in Arkansas has been a bit crazy lately. We had a major ice storm that closed down the whole town  for close to a week, not that the kids and I get out much anyway, but it was amazing the lengths they go to to keep people off the roads. Schools and businesses closed for days. We, being crazy northerners, decided to get out a bit and went to Fayetteville for part of the down time, 11 cars off the road on the way down and 13 the next day on the way home. We learned a few things, one that food storage is very important, so are batteries, flashlights and an alternative heat source-even if that source is family and friends. I gained a greater testimony of the social and emotional blessing of being part of the Church of Jesus Christ, we have only been here for a few months and because of the wonderful people in our ward I have people I would trust with my children, my house, and that I feel comfortable going to for help. We have moved a few times, but always we have family to break the ice and to go to (we do here to but they were too far away for me to go to in the middle of a snow storm with two kids on ice roads by myself.) I have never had to be an adult and fend for myself. Or, maybe I have, or I didn't really this time and it was just an inward 'ah-ha' moment. Either way I am grateful.
A couple other things we learned from the snow: Nathan was able to go sledding and still loves it, Asher does not like the snow on his feet but he is willing to touch it. We didn't bring any of our cold weather stuff here. I don't miss Rexburg winters at all, and we are super excited for Christmas!
There is a video, I'm sure most people have seen, called "What does the fox say", Asher thinks it is hilarious and today we realized how much he is starting to pay attention to the things we watch! 
(here is Asher's favorite version of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZM-72_Hr0k)

Our ward had a pancake brunch with Santa as a special guest. Asher liked the pancakes, the primary kids singing, and running around with his friends, 
but he did NOT like Santa, Nathan was so proud :)

Asher watching the first snow fall of the big storm at our friend's house.

Tucker and Millie after a long day of running in the snow.

Our lucky babies cuddling with their dad.

Asher and I made cookie dough (sadly they never made it to cookies...) while we have been trapped indoors due to weather, flat tires, sick babies, 
and me not wanting to practice juggling two by myself.

Asher at 17 months and Miriam at one month

Asher didn't need to be shown twice what to do with a beef rib!

Came out of the room to this guy trying to get an orange from the fruit bowel on the counter. New this week he can climb on the table, open the fridge, reach on top of the counters, take off his diaper, and say Tucker, point to his nose, quack like a duck, bring me my phone, and wipe his nose with a tissue.

Love em naked!

She has grown out of all her newborn clothes, this outfit included. Time flies!

My life is wonderful. I am tired, my house is a mess, I only get dinner made half the time. I apparently send Nathan off with conversation in my sleep in the mornings, and I haven't gotten out of the house in days. But my husband is amazing and handsome, my children are healthy and happy, and I am blessed this Christmas more than ever before. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up, Julie! You're doing a great job! Enjoy your family time at Christmas!!
